Thursday, July 31, 2008

Banana Pies In Making


Bagan Lalang- which took a freaking one and a half hour of journey and the beach wasn't even that nice. I tell you, in Miri you only need 15 minutes to reach the beach. But then, that's wonderful Miri, not stinking Selangor.

The whole mentoring group.

Saturday, 26th July 2008, 7.30 frigging am till 3.30 frigging pm.

Banana pies. Smell like goreng pisang, tasted like cekodok.

Banana pies in making:

Went to Giant. Bought bananas.

I said candid

Seena rolling the dough away

Dumpling-like banana pies (it was the easiest shape)

Frying. Very dangerous.


Because of the picnic, I:

1) Missed a day -of shopping- with my parents and brothers.


am tanned. We were picnic-ing in the open while everyone else chose a spot under the tree and I did bring my sunblock but I didn't wear it because the sun wasn't anywhere in sight I tell you! Forgot that you couldn't actually see UV.

So from now on, total sunblock and foldable umbrella!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Mimi's sister's wedding

5 hours. 5.5 hours. 4.3 hours. That's the amount of sleep I'd gotten on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. 4 days of not touching Genetics: BLISS.


  1. Entrance exam
  2. Interview
  3. Mimi's sister's wedding
  4. MSU super duper dumb explorace

I've talked about the entrance exam and I've grumbled about the interview and I still haven't gotten the super duper dumb explorace's pictures from Syafiq yet. That leaves me with Mimi's sister's wedding (which I always mispronounced as Mimi's wedding - it's a sign Mimi!).

That night was a blast. The best wedding I've ever attended and yes, you guys should know by now that I'm not a big fan of weddings.

The starting of the night was pretty easy to describe: We were freaking LATE. We arrived around 8.30 pm which was the time the wedding started. So it's no suprise really that WE CAME AT THE SAME TIME AS THE BRIDE AND GROOM.

Syafiq and his friends were late as well because they waited for us, BWAHAHAHA.

It was completely embarassing walking into the hall and being showed to our table (which was practically at the other end) while everyone was staring. Totally TOP 10 EMBARASSING MOMENTS material.

Mimi's speech brought us to tears. Not literally crying but having tears prickling in our eyes. It was the first time we ever saw her cried and in front of everyone else too.

That's the only sad part I guess. Oh yes, Seena and I made a bet. We bet 100 bucks (not RM) that I would get married first. HAH. As if that would happen. I asked her to include the money in her wedding invitation card 7 years from now.

Anyways, what's a wedding without pictures right? Our pictures I mean =P









A couple of pictures are still with Mimi, including the one with the bride and groom, so yeah, couldn't post them here yet.

We left around 1 am, got lost finding our way back to campus and went to bed before having to wake up at 6 am the following day for MSU super duper dumb explorace.


P.S: My parents are coming again this weekend. YAY!

Friday, July 18, 2008

A billion sighs

Very tired. Very stressed up. Very annoyed.

Because of the dumb entrance exam, I slept for only 5 hours yesterday. Nope, not studying. Didn't really study much in protest of the exam. I just couldn't sleep. My pre-exam symptom. Then when I'd finally fallen asleep, I dreamed of a pontianak hiding in the locker. Stupid dream. Scared the wits outta me.

The entrance exam was okay I guess. It went much better than I thought. There were 4 papers; Physics, Biology, Math and Chem. 60 questions per paper to be answered in an hour. Bullseye. Eheh.

We've interview tomorrow morning. Been looking up on info and stuff but heck, I still couldn't find who's our Health Minister. Who ah? Call me outdated but I seriously have no idea. I just know that Chua Soi Lek was fired/resigned due to his scandalous video and that's so last year.


Some people just annoyed the hell outta me.

My blog = I'll write what I want.
My blog = You don't like it, fuck off.

Even if it's boring or stupid or immature or whatever, it's none of your fucking business. I decide that, get it?
I seriously think this kind of people ought to be shipped to America and be slaves. Only that, that's in the old days right?

Seriously. Go to Bermuda Triangle, get screwed and don't come back. Or buy a mansion in Malibu, live happily ever after and get outta of my life. Either way, it's fine with me.

It's almost midnight and I haven't taken my shower.

I'll get pneumonia one day, cheers.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Surfing the net, clicking around doing nothing. Tap tap tap on the keyboard. Backspace backspace.

Hey, you're bored huh?

I don't usually promote websites....but this time I'll make an exception.

About FreeRice

FreeRice is a sister site of the world poverty site,

FreeRice has two goals:
Provide English vocabulary to everyone for free.
Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.

This is made possible by the generosity of the sponsors who advertise on this site.

Whether you are CEO of a large corporation or a street child in a poor country, improving your vocabulary can improve your life. It is a great investment in yourself.

Perhaps even greater is the investment your donated rice makes in hungry human beings, enabling them to function and be productive. Somewhere in the world, a person is eating rice that you helped provide. Thank you.

You can try going to that one. For each question you get right, you donate 20 grains of rice through the UN World Food Pogram to help end hunger. If you find the words difficult
(gaucherie- wtf is that??), hey, everything is at the tips of your fingers.

Go to an online dictionary for God's sake.

Weird concept right? But the sponsors pay for your donated rice so don't worry. You'll also get to improve your vocabs. Learning while donating, not bad aite?

I've only donated 240 grains of rice.

Stopping here tonight. 8 am class tomorrow. That's freaking early for me.

Happy donating everyone! =D And yes, spread the website around.

P.S: Credits to Zatyfaty for sacrificing her sleeping time (tido jak keja) to tell me =)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

It's what you called it.

Lies grow. Learn.

S: I'll tell her my dad called, and there's a family emergency. No, no. There's just an emergency. Vi, type that.

Vi: I'll type, there's some kind of emergency ok?

S: No, no. That sounds too fishy. Just type there's an emergency. Maybe I should just tell them my grandma was admitted into the hospital.

N: What?? You can't say that! You don't have grandparents anymore is it?

S: No. Both of my grandmas passed away already. But telling that would be a lie. I don't want to lie...Nisa. Help me find an excuse.

N: What if you said, your dad called, your grandma passed away?

S: But-

N: You wouldn't be lying. It's just a statement. 2 different statements
that have nothing to do with each other in one message.

S: Haha! Brilliant! Vi, type "My dad just called. My grandma passed away." You're good!

N: I'm a liar. Of course I'm good.

N: You know, everyone in class will be offering their condolences to you on Monday.

S: Yeahh. Wait, one message received from M- F just told me about your grandma...I'm sorry.

N: OMG. We need to explain to her. Tell her that you said your grandma
passed away. Not that she JUST passed away.


A liar manipulates facts and use them to his or her own advantage. Twisting words to evade lying but not wholly telling the truth. It's somewhere in between.

I'm a liar =) and I'm sure everyone around me is as well. I lie to get out of sticky situations and I lie to protect myself. I can lie to basically anyone but the things I lied about, I take extra care. There's a thin line between the truth and lies and everytime I crossed that line, I make sure I'm prepared for the consequences.

There are only two person that I could never bring myself to lie to. That two person are my parents. I'm not exactly an obedient daughter. I would answer back if I was scolded and I could utter the most hurtful words. But I couldn't lie. And I won't ever do so.

Whatever I did, even if I knew it would cause my parents to be mad, I'd tell them. I remember being asked, "If you knew your parents would be angry, why did you tell them? I wouldn't." . My parents don't ask, but even so, I feel that I should tell. Especially if I've done something I shouldn't.

Because guilt, like lies, grow. And it's not something I could stand. I don't want my parents to ever doubt me. My judgements, or myself. Better kena marah than feeling guilty rite? I consider myself as being outspoken and straight forward =P and I called my relationship with my parents as an "open and honest" one. Nicer words compared to rebellious and rude.

Untuk menyenangkan hidup?

Lie only when you should.

What? You didn't expect me to say, "Don't ever lie," rite? That's bollocks.

So yeah, lie when you should but tell the truth when the time comes =)