Today i watched the sun rose. I saw sunrise. Something I haven't seen in a long time. Not since school ended. I decided last night that I wanted to see the dawn today. Since it's not like I had anything to do anyway. So I was careful not to fall asleep. I listened to songs, I wrote in my diary, I washed dishes, I lied on my bed doing nothing.... and for those who could see me scrubbing a teapot at 3.30 am, they'd think I was mad :P I wanted to be on time to see it. It was amazing. For me, that is. Oh sure, I got plenty of that during NS but you couldn't really admire the sun rising when you're undergoing physical training could you?
5:58:30 am

6:06:12 am

6:08:06 am

6:12:50 am

6:13:48 am And Mr. Sun woke up :)
Anyway, after I was done snapping pictures outside, I wandered around the house. Because a normal school day was something new to me now. Besides, it's not everyday that I was awake at 6 am :P

The er-I-don't-know-what's-that pose?

For anyone who knows my brother, that picture's so not candid. There's no way he'd open a book early in the morning. Unless, of course if he's completing a last-minute homework. Like this morning, he woke up at 5.30 am to search for his BM ULBS online. Nice. These people woke up at 6 am and left home at 6.40 am. Ha! Thank God I'm done with school.
Panda eyes, panda eyes. I need some sleep XD
ur blog's suddenly so full of photos! it's not a bad thing tho
wau the clouds kinda reminded me of the stars at N9 there.. i miss the really bright freaking shiny stars at 6.30am.. yeah.. still dark at that time.. different from miri. no stars in miri. gosh i mean like even at 6.30am there're like a gazilion stars up there so pretty.. i'm sounding so gay.. but don care! i love watching the stars lolzz. even caught the pari stars (the one shaped like cross and sagitourus(the bow hunter).. this doesn't sound like me, but i'm usually very cool lolz, but u know, anyone who saw those stars at my camp there, even a mighty strong man becomes a sissy.
ai.. you three look sooooo alike!!same school oso!! where's your elder brother huh??? ahahah you can make a family photo there in kolej're close with syafiqah rite.. haha and your sister is close with syafiqah's sister! double lol!! i cannot stand siblings who look alike lah.. lololololol
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