Today has been a fantastic day. Seriously xD
Okay, let's start from the moment i woke up. Which was at 12.50 pm. It was totally unintended! I already woke up earlier at 9 am and thought i'd just resume my sleep for a while. That 'a while' turned out to be erm, 3 hours and 50 minutes? Haha. So i woke up because effa called me. Thank God she did because if she didn't i might had overslept. I took one glance at my handphone and went hysterical - " Oh my God effa, it's one o'clock!" and she went, " Yes, it is. And you're still sleeping!" - because our primary 6 gathering's supposed to be at 2 pm. Yes, primary 6. I don't know, our old class teacher, Cikgu Zam told Fara he wanted to meet us all and it just sort of...formed itself into a gathering. Lol. Anyway, i still needed to take a bath and got ready and managed the chicken wings. I got ready in 40 minutes, quick for me, and for the chicken wings... I just shouted to my maid, "Where're my chicken wings?" ^^
Effa picked me up at 1.50 pm (that was why she called me by the way). She took a look at my stuff and said, "Are those chickens raw?" She looked at me and i looked at her, and we went "Okay. Whatever.Who cares," Then effa stopped for a while to buy the drinks and we started to figure out the way to Taman Selera. We're so busy chatting in the car that i'd completely forgot to remind her which way she was supposed to take. Haha. But then at least we had an excuse for being LATE~ When we arrived there, everyone else was already there. Lala, Fara, Amy, Saza, Harith, Khalid, Amirul and Safwan. The others were either working or...hmm, working. Our teacher arrived at 2.46 pm! That's like 46 minutes late! Then we ate, talked talked talked, laughed laughed laughed, took lots of pictures and took a stroll at the beach and went to esplanade until 6.30 pm. There was a man in Taman Selera who took a video of us for like..10 minutes or so and we were like "What's with him?" So when we're about to pack our stuff, i suggested to my friends that we should give some of our food to him, just to be sarcastic. They all agreed and started to laden the plate with food. Since none of my friends dared to, i put my best girl-next-door attitude and did it. Ha! Gotcha!
I'm tired of typing already, lol. Let the pictures do the talking ;)
Luv em

The food and drinks~.jpg)
I LOVE Fara's umbrella!

It was damn hot

In the toilet~

Me + Effa + Fara.jpg)
And you said you weren't hyper.. Lol. Finally something that killed your boredom for a day =)
finally...sumthing u blogged n i actually understands... haha~
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