Wednesday, April 25, 2007
With laughter. With Smiles. Always.
When a person dies, a door shuts but with one closed door, opens up a lot more for others. We realised that life is temporary. We learn to treasure what we have. We analyse things with more care. For once, we are finally able to hear and see.
In every of my down, I found ups. When I gained something, I lose the other. In one mistake, I learned lessons worth for life. I couldn't have everything in life, that I realised. I couldn't help making errors and mistakes along the way and that's okay, because that's how life was destined to be but sometimes, just sometimes, I couldn't help asking myself whether I could undone what's done because a mistake isn't a mistake unless it can't be repaired. That's what I thought yesterday. That was the question that kept whirling in my head but today, something else hit me; do I want it to be repaired? Is it worth it, to lower my pride, to shake off all the doubts and just act...hoping for the best? When I know somewhere in my heart it's pointless.
Yes, I want it to be repaired but I don't want to end up repairing it alone. It is worth it for the sake of the past but what's past can't be the future. Even after all that, I find myself not wanting to do it. In the end, I'm the one who remembers. In the end, I'm the one who cares and in the end, I'm the one who'll get hurt again. Those are not what I want. Like a VASE, it's fragile. When it breaks, it can be mended. A mended vase however is full of cracks. It doesn't have the smooth surface it once had. I don't want a mended vase.
What's written can be unwritten. What's painted can be erased. It just shows that nothing's permanent. People changed. The world changed. Thus our views on things aren't the same anymore. Everything's different. That's the way the world goes. That's the way life works.
I am not a quitter. I don't do jobs halfway. But I do know when to quit. I do sense it when all my hard work is going to be wasted. Quitting doesn't mean you're giving up. Quitting is knowing when to stop and I guess, I'm quitting =) I can't cling to the past forever. I can't spend my days asking, worrying and wondering. I've done what I could. I've spend huge chunks of my days just trying to figure everything out. Everything links. When I'm cold, I would find ways to warm myself. When I cry, I would find ways to smile. There's no reason why I couldn't do the same now. I got myself into this mess in the first place. That's my fault and I'm the one to blame. I'll get myself out of it as well.
Whatever happens, I try not to judge people. When it comes to human, it's too subjective. We can be nice when we want. Yet the next time we'll be shouting and banging on tables. We act differently towards different people. Maybe that's why it's hard to fathom out someone because you'll never know. If this is what it seems, then let it be. In the end when we look back, we're the one who made the choices. They don't have to be the right ones. There's no question about that here. It's the fact that you got yourself in control. It's the fact that you managed to mend things however the turnout turns to be. How you mend it is up to you.
At last, I'm able to smile. Not an evil smile. Not a fake smile. Not a sarcastic smile. But a sincere smile that comes from my heart.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Just A Smile
Monday, April 23, 2007
Imperfect Happiness
Life's never perfect.
There'll always be ups and downs.
Those're what created life.
Expect the most wonderful things
To happen, not in the future
But right now.
Realise that nothing is too good.
When needed, leave the unhappiness behind.
Pick up your courage,
and move on...
To a brighter side.
There'll always be a bright side,
Among that lot of darkness.
Believe me.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Love, from Nisa.
I've finally come to my SENSES.
To Effa, thanks for the lecture. Miss Blog? Erks, watergirl. Lol.
To Terence, thanks for the words of encouragement.
To Lala and Fara, thanks for analysing.
To Ct and Jo, thanks for your guys' concern.
To those who did so, thanks for doing those.
People so know when to make me lose my appetite. Since I'm already chubby =)
Because if it weren't for you guys,
I won't be eating right now xD
Yesterday's breakfast + lunch + tea + dinner all compressed into an instant paratha (which I made myself proudly because my maid's asleep, hehe).
I've experienced my share of pain. Hurt. Whatever you want to call it. Those shits :P But, you know? At least it came with an ending. Not a proper one. But an ending nevertheless.
Ugly memories turned beautiful.
Hurtful words are appreciated.
Attitudes are forgiven.
I learned to forgive.
Yes, I walk slowly now. Step by step. Path by path. One foot at a time. Because I'm afraid of falling and tripping. Again. But like someone told me before, if you fall, you get up. Bruised and scarred from the past, but nonetheless, ready to brave your life once again. That's what I'm doing. I'm trying to get up. I'm trying to learn to take risks. I'm trying to learn not to be afraid.
I'm learning the early lessons of life. Look right ahead. Glance to my left and right. To the trees. To my clouds. To Mr. Sun. Kicking the twigs along the way. And not another glance spare to the past.
I just want to be myself again =)

Greedy Effa. That's the whole point of taking that picture. It was intended to be that way, lol. Still, love her anyway.
After that we send Fara home because it's almost 6 pm already. Then we went to my gran's house. Where I packed my stuff. Where Effa took pictures of my pillow hug. She is so dead. Even though I totally owe her one. Then she send me home. Another day had ended =)
Saturday, April 21, 2007
I think I might survived through this. Despite the lack of sleep. Despite the lose of appetite. Despite the extra-tripping. I might just.
I am a sponge. And a sponge, does what it does best. It soaks all the pain. Heavier. But it still bounces. Here and there. Elastic. But it never breaks.
I am not a human. Human is fragile. Human breaks down. Human cuddles on it's bed and cries itself to sleep. Human builds up hopes just to have them crushed. Human plans for something that will never come true. Human hurts.
But if Human dies, people lament over it.
If Sponge's wearing thin, people tossed it into the bin.
And buy a new one.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
표준의, 모범적인
Quiet and still. Just the way I like it xD
Don't feel like sleeping yet. So here I am. Typing away. If I could find something to type. I don't know, haha. Still chatting though. With my + sot sot + friend who's still awake. Everyone else's already sleeping cozily on their bed. Maybe. Who knows. Who cares.
Anyways, the plan to go to school today was cancelled. Since Ct's going to Bintulu and Asy may go to Kuching the next day. So without them both, there'll only be the 3 of us. I would say we're not brave enough to face the teachers. I know I'm not. I still don't dare to face Mdm. Chai up to this day because of my 2A. Yep. I promised her an 1A. So..yeah. You get the picture ^^ There's still next week though. Kolej won't go anywhere. It's been there for 50 years! God knows it wouldn't move. Haha. That is if there won't be another landslide. Or if the buildings won't crumbled before they could rebuild them. Lol. But still, I love that place.
I was planning to watch 1 Litre of Tears again tonight. Wanted to finish episode 9 to 11. But then I decided I didn't need to bawl my eyes out late at night. Or early in the morning. I so have to thanks Terey for introducing it to me, hehe. I mean, it's the only series I could stand watching. Without forwarding. Or skipping scenes. I don't think I've ever mentioned that to him :P
Well, I was never good at complimenting and apologising. Or accepting those. The other day, I made muffins. And yesh, they looked and tasted like muffins - especially for those who doubt my baking skills. Not that I've many. And yes Terey. Your name is on top of the list - So Dad ate one of them and I happened to poke my head out of my bedroom at that time. Okay, that was a lie. Forgive me. I did that on purpose since I wanted to know what he thought of my muffins. When he saw me, he said, " Your cake tasted nice." Then I looked at him pointedly and replied, " Dad. They're muffins." He looked confused, " What? ". So I repeated, " They're muffins.". Then he said, " Oh, your muffin was great. You should make them again,". I just stared at him, withdrew my head and shut the door. Unbelievable! Lol.
WHY ARE THE CLOCK'S HANDS MOVING SO SLOWLY? The last time I checked, it was 2.40 am. Now it's only 3.06 am. 26 minutes! That's how long I've spend on babbling! Well, not exactly the clock. It's a digital one. And it doesn't have any hand right? Just wanted to sound dramatic. Hehe. For some reason, I've a problem at reading the clock. I mean, I know how to but I'm impossibly slow at reading them. When people asked me what time it was, I just shoved my watch under their noses. Wouldn't want them to get the time wrong would we? Haha. I bought the analogue one because, you know, the digital one would look childish. And I was in no mood to be labelled that. What the heck, my friends still knew I was bad at reading it. Now the watch belongs in it's original place- in it's case. School's over. No point in wearing it. I hate wearing it anyway. Dusty and all, tata.
I was thinking, you know, to do something stupid tonight. I'm always doing that nowadays. Played in the rain in the afternoon. There was nothing else to do anyway. Just thinking of going outside now. Wandering around in the dark. Or just sit in the middle of the road or something. Not like there'll be any car at this time. But, urm, I'm scared. Haha! I don't have enough courage to do that. Maybe someday I'll wake Ct up and ask her to join me in the middle of the night. Besides, two is better than one right?
Monday, April 16, 2007
If I shouted at the sky and asked it to pour rain, would it rain?
Of course not.
The day has been gloomy ever since morning but it never rained. Okay, it did. But only for a while. It's like watching someone being moody all day but wouldn't say anything that bothers him or her. And you feel like shouting at that person. Yeah, that's how it is. Did nothing much today. Been clinging 24/7 to my pillow hug again. I don't know. I tend to do that a lot nowadays. Dragging my pillow hug with me everywhere I go I mean. And accidently leaving it in inappropriate places till my mum bising :P
Bising! My first malay word in here! But I guess it's necessary.
Anyways, I wrote 8 pages in my diary last night. Broke my old record! Lame, I know. Wrote for almost 2 hours I guess. Since there's nothing to do. I'll have to buy a new diary soon since there're only 13 pages left. I counted ;) 5 days worth of writing? I think so. I checked in Popular and Parkson before and they didn't have any nice diary. Bother. I always buy mine there. As I've said before, I don't like changes. Even in little things. There are certain stuff I get bored over easily, but that's it.
My mum spend her day baking buns and bread. They looked like bread and tasted like one. Despite the different ingredients and names and shapes. Reminds me of humans. In the end, we remain what we are. Just humans. Weak, fragile and useless. I just...want to get away from here now. Away from this place. From the boredom. From the so-called friends. Leave this place and never face any of them again. Won't that be nice? That's my fairytale now.
It's amazing wherever you go you only hear about how nice friends are, friends are like chocolate yada yada yada. Where did the nasty parts went to? Maybe on a long vacation or something. Or maybe they just forgot to mention them. Because that's a part of reality. Those're the facts. They should say friends are like chipsmore. One time they're there. The other time they're gone. I know I'm talking crap, but that can happen. Maybe it already did. There's nothing more permanent than being hurt by your friends. Enough said about that.
My parents were talking about my brother just now. He's in form 5 now by the way. The usual stuff. Grades, tuitions etc.. PHYSICS. So mum said, "Madam Chai's very good. Look at Yazid. He didn't need to go to tuition last time AND he got 1A for physics,". Hearing that, I snapped at her, "Even if you had 10 teachers teaching you, you still wouldn't score in it if you're not interested."
I got both of the best teachers yet my physics still sucked. No need to rub it in. I know I'm stupid.
I don't know myself. I don't know the people around me. I don't know what's happening anymore. I don't know to whom I should confide in. I don't know whether I should laugh my head off. I don't know whether I should break down and cry. I don't know anything. I'm hopeless.
p/s: Hatred. Pain. Resentment. Welcome to my life *hugs*
Right Ahead
Who's the one who has changed?
Whose fears are greater?
Who ignores?
Who distrusts?
Who doubts?
Who pretends?
Who keeps the distance?
I couldn't answer all those.
Friday, April 13, 2007
I need an eraser. I need liquid. I need Clorox.
What I don't need, is a permanent marker.
A fake smile pasted. For a million people out there.
Another chapter of damnation, here I come.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Ice and Lemon
Syafiqah says:
i wonder..lps 5 thn..kta akan kata benda tok lgk..
Syafiqah says:
we will or we won't?
dumplings and pau says:
Syafiqah says:
Syafiqah says:
or x sedeh?
dumplings and pau says:
2 words were all it took. And it makes me wonder, why am I always so cold when it comes to stuff like that? How could I be so definite, so sure? But I am.
All my life, I always get what I want. Doesn't matter whether I deserve it or not, I'm used to getting my way. And that's why I'm so stubborn. My word is law xD But then being cold and heartless weren't in the list. I don't know when did I become like that. When I'm cold, well, I don't like it when I am. I become ignorant. I stop caring. I hurt a lot of people in the process. And that's not good.
I am someone who likes to be in control in everything. I'm not a control-freak, I could care less about other things. I believe that my life and everything in it is in my hands. I control who I want to be. I decide who I should like and who I shouldn't. I let my head do most of the jobs instead of my heart. Because I believe, to succeed you must be able to control your emotions. But as I grow up, I find things harder to handle. Some things are just out of our control. And learning that, knowing what I want isn't what it seems to be, is a slap on the face. I told someone once we must always be prepared. Be open and accept all possibilities. So that at the end of the day, we wouldn't get hurt. I was wrong. We wouldn't be hurt that much was the answer. Because no matter what, hurt will always be there. It's not something we could help with.
A question a friend threw at me caught me off guard; what is the connection between what we want and what we fight for? Instantly, the answer came; what we want is what we fight for. But then it strucked me that that wasn't necessarily the case. Not everyone gets the chance to fight for what they want. For those who do, they're blessed. Some people only make it half-way. Yet some make it to the top. Everything, it depends on you. If anyone asked me what I wanted out of life, I wouldn't be able to answer that. Beyond my ambition, I don't know the answer. Life offers so much, yet we get so little. I just know that whatever I'm fighting for, or will fight for, must be what I want. But then fighting without knowing that is like plunging blindly into the sea. Then came the next question; Is what we want is the right thing? What is the right thing? Tricky.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Bits of life
For days I've been signing in and out of my blog, not knowing what to write. But now I'll just type and see where this will lead to. I guess I've been feeling pretty empty nowadays.
What is there to smile at?
What is there to be enthusiastic about?
What is there to be sighed of?
Haha. So there you go. My life. Summed up in 3 simple questions. Everyone loves simplicity =) Isn't that what people usually say nowadays? The i-am-simple phrase. I don't know if that's really true or they're just being modest. But hey? Nobody's simple. You might like simple things, might lead a simple life, but in reality, you're not simple. I think I am, but heck, none of my friends would agree to that. In truth, I know I'm not. Just because I think bread and buns are humans' hugest achievement and whatever beyond simplicity is just downright annoying, I am far from simple. Complicated, yeah. That sometimes I don't quite get myself. But I sure do know how to complicate things ;)
The one time that I would really analyse life is when I'm with my gran. It makes me wonder and question everything. It's not "How will I be in the next 60 years?". It's more to "How do I want to be in the next 60 years?" I want to be plump and cheerful. Like a mother hen. Haha. But obviously, 60 years is a long time. Sadly, I might not live up to that age. I'm dying of boredom already. Just that, she's old. And she might not live long enough to see me succeed in life. And when that time comes, I wouldn't know how deal with it. She's been there since the day I was born. She was the one who raised me because dad wasn't there. Maybe that's why I'm a spoilt brat, lol. And I love her to bits because like everyone else's granny, she makes a big deal out of my achievements and brags me to her friends and always sides with me whenever I have an argument with my siblings or parents. So they know not to find any fault with me whenever gran's around :P
Friday, April 06, 2007
I feel cold. And yet, I winced when I saw the sun glaring outside. Then the warmth started to spread. Just for a second before it's gone again. It wouldn't stay. A coldness no sun could ever reach. I want to cry. But the tears wouldn't flow no matter how hard I try. I want to give in to the pain. Once and for all and get over it. So I can move on. So I can forgive and maybe, forget. I don't want to remember. I don't want anything. Is there pain? There wasn't in the first place. Is it possible to curl up on the bed and sleep and never wake up? I want that. I hate waiting. Very much. To the core of my being. But that's what I'm doing. A waiting that has no ending in sight. Waking up to moments I'm not sure I'm experiencing. 5 years ago, the incident happened. And 5 years later, I'm suddenly being reminded by it. Something I swore I'd never do ever again. I remembered the feeling. The feeling when you knew your problems were solved. The feeling when you felt nothing could hurt you. A feeling of relieved, because the pain was ending. And the amazing thing was you did it all by yourself, without anyone's help.
I love clouds. Admiring their marshmallow-likeness. Wondering what's behind them. And how do they feel if they're in my grasp. No matter where I go, no matter where I end up, the clouds are always there. They will always be there. Night and day. They would never leave me. But clouds are just like some of my dreams. Something that I can reach. But never hold. That sometimes I questioned their purpose. They couldn't shield the hot. Nor could they protect me from the rain. Not all the time. I could still feel the heat, could still feel the icy coldness. I want to believe the clouds belong to me. But then, the clouds aren't mine. Everyone owns them.
Every cloud has a silver lining. That when I look up at them, I'm reminded of my purposes in life. Of things that happened in it. Things that I need to do. No matter if it's sunny, or even if it rains, my clouds are there. Just being there. Just like us in this world. We don't need any purpose to live, no matter how empty we feel it is. Because we're already living it. A life to live to it's fullest.
Take a photograph, it'll be the last
Not a dollar or a crowd could ever keep me here
I don't have a past, I just have a chance
Not a family or honest plea remains to say
Rain rain go away, come again another day
All the world is waiting for the sun
Thursday, April 05, 2007
A New Day

6:13:48 am And Mr. Sun woke up :)
Anyway, after I was done snapping pictures outside, I wandered around the house. Because a normal school day was something new to me now. Besides, it's not everyday that I was awake at 6 am :P

The er-I-don't-know-what's-that pose?

For anyone who knows my brother, that picture's so not candid. There's no way he'd open a book early in the morning. Unless, of course if he's completing a last-minute homework. Like this morning, he woke up at 5.30 am to search for his BM ULBS online. Nice. These people woke up at 6 am and left home at 6.40 am. Ha! Thank God I'm done with school.
Panda eyes, panda eyes. I need some sleep XD
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Little Secrets
That was the secret I had had when I was a little girl. An innocent secret, a redundant secret. One that would only make my mum shakes her head if she knows about it now. One that my siblings still laughed at whenever they remember the incident. And of course, not forgetting the bit where they had missed their Power Rangers show.
Secrets. Be it a child's fear of breaking her mum's pot, or one's sacrifices for those one cares for, we all have them. I certainly do. But the difference between my secrets now and those of 10 years ago is that they do more to people than arousing their tempers. They are able to put a smile on someone's face or brighten someone's day. Secrets that are able to make that smile freezes, and smashed one's heart into smithereens. In a way, secrets held more power than spoken words. Because they're unspoken. An inner side of someone, held deep within itself. And what's unspoken is sometimes more important that what you can hear and listen.
I once wrote that I didn't like writing about things I didn't like, things I didn't want to remember, things that made me felt sad. Those are my secrets. Something that I not only concealed from those around me, but from my blogs and my diary as well. They're never written. Because I'm afraid of HURTING people. Sometimes, the more people reach out towards you, the more you pull yourself into the shadow, ignoring contact. Because you know they're there to help and to offer comfort but you know they can't. It's not that they won't understand your problems, or being unable to handle them. It's because you're unable to tell them what your problems are. You're scared you're going to hurt them instead. When I do know that hurting is even worse than being hurt. Or maybe, I'm just scared of hurting myself. It goes both ways.
Monday, April 02, 2007
I don't know
"The man always thought that farewells are always harsh. They're always harsh and sad. If he never encountered anyone then he wouldn't suffer so much. If he hadn't met her..if it makes him sad then why should he want to meet anyone? So....But if they hadn't met, he would never have had such happy times. Eventually, the man started going out into town again. He learned not to be afraid of farewells, to meet people, to not be afraid of misunderstandings, and to get to know others.There may be harsh farewells like the harshness of winter, but one day...he can meet someone again. Someday, he can meet a person as warm as the spring sunlight."
Mahoraba Heartful Days
"And for anyone who's ever had that connection with someone, even if it only lasted for five minutes, it's important. For once, I didn't feel that I was living in an entirely different world from everyone else, but that in fact there was a person, a person I liked and respected, who had a piece of my heart, who felt the same way."
If You Could See Me Now
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Fun and Madness


In the toilet~
