Past would always remain as past.
Memories were overrated.
Those who treasured them? Get a life.
That was 2 years ago. Back when I was still in Form 5. Between those years, I think I've changed a lot. Between NS, matriculation and MSU, I know I've changed a lot. And I began to treasure both.
My past and memories.
No matter how hard I tried getting rid of everything, I still couldn't leave them behind. No matter how hard and far I ran, I could still feel them catching up on me. Each time, I asked myself where have I gone wrong. And each time, I failed to find the reason.
I felt suffocated. I felt trapped in my self-made game.
Where did I go wrong?
I didn't know. And I still don't know. Should I figure it out? Or should I let time dealt with it for me? What?
I tried going south, north, east and west all at once.
There were too many unaswered questions.
But then, trying to solve the puzzle gave a bigger impact on my life. I found myself.
Now, it's not that I couldn't care less. I know that I've done my best and if that best wasn't good enough, I know it's not me to blame. Most importantly, I feel relief because if anything, I know I won't regret it in the future. I know I've done the right thing.
I've a future to look forward to. Out there is a more frightful and exciting journey. I'll be running again. Not running away though. This time, I'm chasing my dream =)
Waaaa, offer letter. Datang la cepatttt. I can't wait to see you!!
To my past, goodbye. It was fun once and it was not regretable. But the past will always be the past and I need to move on. Even so, the memories live on.
As I always say it,
"Always regret the things you did, never the things you didn't."
so.... are you gonna fly with me klak?
bila mok meet up tok?
"..going south, north, east and west.."
hehe. cam lagu ustaz malam tadik jak..
"ke utara selatan timur dan barat, ku jejaki.."
Yes =)
I wanna meet up! I knw we're both free 24/7 but hw bout lala and fara?
Sya, sila update blog anda. Mok curi gambar tok, hehe.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, dudi alu jak kmk mengupdate. huhu. (insyaAllah..klak2 la cta apesal)
p/s: gambar ambik kei hp, x bes glak + blur, mun mok 'curi' gambar kacak, ble ambik kat blog ustaz razi.. ;)
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