......and I eat like a pregnant woman.
So there should be no question as to WHY I'm fat right?
Hmm...I wonder why girls always say they're fat.
Oh, wait.
I probably know why. Because I constantly do that as well. But here, now, at this moment, that isn't the case.
The girls' cliche phrase "I'm fat" is because I really am! Rina said so and that's ONLY BY LOOKING AT A PICTURE OF ME!
I've thought of working out but no no no, too sweaty and energy consuming (I'm a lazy pig. Ha ha ha)
I've thought of cutting back on eating but no no no, I love eating way too much, especially home-made food.
So...no exercising, no dieting. Seems like there's only ONE thing left to do...........
No, not liposuction you doofus~ it's too expensive anyways and I'm a poor student =(

I'm left wondering as to WHY IT'S SO HARD TO MAINTAIN MY WEIGHT nowadays. It's ever since I entered uni. Damn hard la.
Is it because of the inconsistent time of meals? Lunch could be at 2 pm,dinner at 10.
Is it the food itself? I'm guessing oil is like so cheap there in West M'sia their food are dripping of it. One meal's can fill a quarter of my gayung. Tsk tsk.
Is it the depression of being away from home? And as always, the more depressed I am, the more I tend to stuff my face.
Why oh why?
Why was it wayyyyy easier to stay thin back in high school?? Not that I was ever that thin, mind you *sighs*
You know what, once upon a time, I might cared. I might had nothing better to do than worrying over the number on the scale. One comment of me being fat was enough to set me off on my diet --->> stupid stupid
Now if anyone commented on my weight, I'd buy a double cheeseburger on the spot and gobbled it up in 2 minutes.
Or rather, I'd say, "Fuck off will ya?"
Wouldn't that feel good?
I'll just eat whatever I want and moan about how big I'm getting
Seems like the perfect thing for me =)))) *big smile*
But don't ever comment about my weight because that's so tactless and it might breaks my lil'-coke-polluted heart. At least, not to my face =D
hehe. chill2. sama la kmk, ada sekali dolok balit dari kL ke miri, nenek kmk kata muka kmk berisi maka pemakanan sik seimbang ada jak di tanah melayu tok..hehe..
neway, hope kenaikan harga barang dapat menyumbang penurunan pemakanan (kmk mensuggestkan kat diri kedirik yg mok balit miri tok, insyaAllah)
p/s : liposuction haram. kawan kmk pdh tapi sik sure ttg dalil nya. wallahu'alam
yes yes yes sangat setuju maintaining the weight is hard ever since entering uni.
and i hell do not know why!
well babe, no matter wat, jom makan :)
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