I couldn't sleep. I had meant to post this entry for days but, you know, was too lazy. Hehe. So here goes:
My exams had ended and I was going home that afternoon. So my housemates decided to celebrate it by waking me up for sahur, knowing fully well I never woke up for sahur before. Okayyy...nevertheless, it was fun. And nice as well since all of them acted as if they're done with their exams too =)
+ This was the day before. See, they spoiled my sleep for 2 days +

+ Kak Ai yang poyo! + 

+ I always wonder, how could anyone eat rice early in the morning? Hmm.. +

+ A gnome spitting fire =] +

+ Watch it! +

+ My wand was creating fire sparks! Ah, all those years of training! +

+ A gnome spitting fire =] +

+ Chances were, the bus wouldn't show up at 4 am +

+ Watch it! +

+ My wand was creating fire sparks! Ah, all those years of training! +

+ See, told you she's poyo +

Nearing six, we went up to our rooms to take a bath and perform Subuh prayer. All of us were drenched in sweat and er, kindda stinked as well. Haha. After that we hung out at the lounge. Some did their revisions, some watched tv, and some, like me watched tv + did her laundry in the laundry room. Then I had to leave to catch my flight.
Now, sleeping seems like a good idea.
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